
CIMA and JAMA signs MoU to deepen partnership and promote management accounting & CGMA in Japan

Tokyo, 29th Feb., 2016 — CIMA (Chartered Institute of Management Accountants) and JAMA (The Japanese Association of Management Accounting) signed the Memorandum of Understanding to unveil the collaboration between the world’s largest professional body in management accounting and Japan’s leading management accounting association.
The MoU was signed by JAMA’s President Prof. Noboru Harada, Vice President Prof. Masaaki Aoki, CIMA’s North Asia Regional Director Vicky Li, Head of Emerging Markets North Asia Charles Liang, representing the respective professional bodies. This is the first partnership that CIMA is forging with the Japanese management accounting community and both associations are deeply committed to jointly promote management accounting’s best practice and CGMA (Chartered Global Management Accountants) in Japan.
As part of the MoU, CIMA and JAMA will collaborate on the translation of the Global Management Accounting Principles (GMAP) into Japanese and launch the Japanese edition in Sept. at earliest during JAMA’s annual conference. The GMAP was launched together by AICPA and CIMA in 2014, aiming to be universally applied in organizations large and small, public and private, anywhere in the world, with input from CEOs, CFOs, academics, regulators, and other professionals in 20 countries on five continents. The Principles are intended to provide industry leaders with strategic and financial oversight a way to benchmark their management accounting processes and identify where the processes can be improved. The goal of the principles is to establish values, qualities, and norms that represent the profession’s best practices.
Another important collaboration on the agenda is the two associations plan to organize CGMA Management Accounting Academic Elite Workshops in Japan in the coming months, through which to advance the management accounting teaching and education for Japanese academicians and provide a global platform for the better sharing and application of the best practices.
CIMA and JAMA are both keenly committed to promote CGMA to the Japanese management accounting community and elevate the profession of management accounting in Japan through this strategic partnership.


The Chartered Institute of Management Accountants(CIMA) is the world’s leading and largest professional body of management accountants. We offer the most relevant finance qualification for business. Our 227,000 members and students in 179 countries work in industry, commerce, the public sector and not-for-profit organizations. We work closely with employers, universities and governments to ensure we remain the employers’ choice when recruiting financially-trained business leaders and students’ choice when preparing for a career in business. The World Bank is using CIMA to train its finance and accounting employees. Many multi-national companies are also using CIMA?for their talent development programmes. In 2012, two of the world’s most prestigious accounting bodies, CIMA and AICPA have formed?a joint-venture to establish?the CGMA (Chartered Global Management Accountant) designation to elevate the profession of management accounting. The designation recognizes the most talented and committed management accountants with the discipline and skill to drive strong business performance.

The Japanese Association of Management Accounting (JAMA), founded in 1991, is the leading academic organisation devoted to the study and promotion of knowledge about management accounting. It has more than 700 members all across Japan, who are researchers in universities, accounting professionals and graduate students, JAMA is involved in publishing the well-known Journal of Management Accounting twice a year, organising management accounting forum, research seminar and field trips to companies to serve the advancement of management accounting research and practice in Japan.

2016年度 学会賞(論文賞、文献賞、奨励賞)候補者募集のお知らせ

拝啓 会員の皆様には、ますますご健勝のことと存じます。
さて、下記に示した2016年度学会賞の候補者を「日本管理会計学会学会賞規程」 に基づいて、以下の要領で募集いたします。会員の皆様には学会賞にふさわしい 候補者を積極的に推薦していただくようお願い致します。

1. 募集する学会賞  論文賞、文献賞、奨励賞(各賞とも若干名)
2. 審査対象業績   2015年4月1日から2016年3月31日まで に刊行されたもの。
3. 応募書類業績等  候補者の略歴、審査対象業績、業績リスト、及び推薦理由書

4. 推薦方法      会員の自薦及び他薦による。
5. 推薦締切日     2016年5月31日まで(当日必着)
6. 学会賞授与式   2016年9月1日(年次全国大会の会員総会)
7. 業績等の送付先  〒564-8680 大阪府吹田市山手町3-3-35
関西大学 商学部 水野一郎 宛




2016年度 第2回 国際学会参加費の助成について(公募)


会員の国際的活動を支援する一環として,標記の件について, 下記の要領で公募いたします。

■ 助成対象 ■
管理会計に関連する海外の学会(2016年9月1日から2017年3月31日の間に開催 される学会)において,研究発表をする場合または当該学会と本学会との交流を促進するため活動を行う場合。

■ 助 成 額 ■
航空運賃(往復)が5万円未満の場合には全額を,航空運賃(往復)が5万円を 超過する場合には,5万円にその超過額の1/2を加算した額を助成する。ただし1件あたり10万円を限度とし,予算総額は年間20万円とする。

■ 応募方法 ■
書式(Ms-Word2003:文書名「2016rsdEntrySheet」)は ここをクリックしてダウンロードしてください。

〒169-8050 東京都新宿区西早稲田1-6-1
早稲田大学大学院会計研究科 清水孝研究室内
日本管理会計学会事務局 宛
e-mail:jama-infoあっとsitejama.org (あっとを@に置き換えてください)

■ 応募締切■

■ 選考方法 ■




日時:2016 年6 月11 日(土曜日) 13:30?16:30
(受付は13 時より)
場所:埼玉大学 大学会館2 階ラーニングコモンズ
(埼玉大学バス停横ローソンの2 階です)

講演1 「真実の報告をさせるには?:実験契約理論の最新動向」
同志社大学商学部教授 田口 聡志 氏
講演2 「社会科学における実験手法の応用」
神戸大学大学院経営学研究科講師 日置 孝一 氏



配布資料を用意するため、6 月8 日(水)までにe メール(melco@gr.saitama-u.ac.jp)にて参加をお申し込みください(定員35 名)。


主 催/ 公益財団法人メルコ学術振興財団 埼玉大学経済学部 埼玉大学経済学会